“Tire” the life saver

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Many people don’t take time to realize the importance of a good tire. Because they believe unless it is a puncture or an issue aroused with the tire you don’t have to spend your time to take care of the tire. But, then comes a time where everything that can go wrong, is a tire. You may have a smooth ride along a dusty road, snowy road or even a mountain road. But all of a sudden, you will lose the grip, lose the resistance and fall. Which can end you up with a small damage or may even cost your life.

That’s why we at tread doctor always believe a good tire with solid tire grooves are important for a driver just like a life jacket to a sailor. And it’s the best reason for us to provide you with the best and reasonable tool for your weary tires “The Knobby Cutting Tool”.

Tread Doctor can be used with your tires in two different methods. It can be used as a knobby cutting tool on worn tires with round-edged or uneven-edged knobs. Thin layers of the knobs can be cut away with the heated carbide blade, resulting in edges with 90-degree angles. This process should be done with gloves on and a controlled scooping motion. One thing to keep in mind is that if the removed knob slices are significantly thicker, knob flex may occur.

As for the other type of application. Tire sipping can be done with the Tread Doctor Sniper Kit. The Sniper Kit may be used on any tire, old or new, and the knobs can be sharpened to create a personalized knobby design.

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